Our People
Mr. Jerrel M. Rotsburg – Chief Financial Officer
Jerrel Rotsburg began working for Rudisa Holdingmaatschappij N.V. on March 1st, 2002 as assistant Internal Control and climbed his way to the Chief Financial Officer position. He is in charge of planning and controlling the financial cycle within the Rudisa Concern. This includes the annual budget process, the monthly pre-and post close forecast and the monthly reports. Managing the Corporate Debtors/Creditors Management Department, further developing and improving the administrative services, drawing up the yield forecasts, business cases and exploitation estimates regarding current and new projects are also part of his daily activities. One could consider him the centipede of Rudisa Holdingmaatschappij N.V.
I chose Rudisa because it is a big multinational with a very widespread and attractive program for starters which allow me to keep developing myself.
Being the Chief Financial Officer is not an easy job. But it is diverse! Experience and analytic capacity help one to establish a link between business performance and financial numbers. The CFO has the final responsibility when it comes down to the planning and control cycle. The CFO must do his job carefully and accurately. The numbers must be in order at all times. The most interesting thing about this job is: using an overview, and coming up with creative solutions to get the maximum out of it under high (time) pressure and obstacles.
The cooperation between the various Rudisa companies is very intensive in both the preparation phase and during the discussion of the outcome. Jerrel loves a structural approach which is based on an effective strategy and good planning. That is where his strong social skills and inner strength have full play. A man who says a lot with very few words. Company: Mining Development Corporation N.V.
Mr. Alirio Polsbroek – Head Editor Times of Suriname
“I see Times of Suriname as an independent newspaper, unbiased to any social stream.“
Our news focuses on presenting the readers
with what they prefer to read.
We neither want to be obtrusive nor give our readers that which we deem important or amusing. The mode of operation for putting together a successful newspaper as ours, requires research not just parroting. This additional work results in our ever expanding circulation.
Being the biggest newspaper is one thing, keeping that position is another. We have to keep improving our product, our staff and ourselves. The reader and the team must ‘take the lead.’ The period where the newspaper was a reflection of the editor in chief is over. The biggest lesson that an editor in chief learns nowadays is humbleness.” Company: Rudisa Broadcasting, Communications & Publications N.V.
Mr. Isfahany Nagessersing – Director Suriname Cable and Communication Network N.V.
Seven years ago Nagessersing started working as editor at the Sports News Department of Times of Suriname. The switchover to SCCN happened four years ago.
I am a media man. Everything that concerns the media is part of my life.
It is my hobby.
His most important undertaking was to transform SCCN into a modern medium that ‘appeals to’ the listeners/ viewers and advertisers. He was successful given the fact that SCCN has one of the highest ratings in Suriname. SCCN Radio and TV still aim at reaching more living-rooms on day at a time. Suriname Cable and Communication Network N.V.

Company: Rudisa Shipping Company N.V.
Mr. A. Pherai – Director Rudisa Motor Company N.V.
Annand Pherai who is currently the director of the Rudisa Motor Company and Rudisa Heavy Equipment started working for Rudisa in 2000 as Service Manager at the Rudisa Motor Company. In the following years he transformed the small showroom in a fully fledged car dealership which plays a vital role on the local market.
Accepting the job at Rudisa was a huge challenge. We now have a completely new company with a modern showroom, repair workshop and spare parts department. Offering a perfect service to our customers is my top priority. As director I therefore maintain good contact with my customers. As an executive I want to radiate a good work attitude in order to motivate our workers. I can proudly say that Rudisa Motor Company has earned its place despite the competition from the many car dealer ships that sell used cars.
Company: Rudisa Motor Company N.V.
Mr. R. Sitaldien – Director Rudisa World Wide Travel N.V.
Mister Sitaldien, member of the board, has been working at Rudisa Word Wide Travel since 2000. “The travel sector is one of the most attractive branches to work in. I can proudly say that Rudisa World Wide Travel is one of the five best travel agencies in Suriname.
It is a dynamic job and
I work in an international surrounding.
Every day I am busy with a very interesting product: vacations!
It is my objective to use my knowledge and effort to offer customers the careless vacation that they dream of and together with me they prepare themselves for it.” Young and old people and people with a small budget visit me to have their dream vacation come true.” Company: Rudisa World Wide Travel N.V.
Mr. Earl Amsdorf – Parts & Purchase Manager
Rudisa is one leading company with top products and activities in various CARICOM countries. The company has expanded quickly over the past couple of years and distinguishes itself through focus on the client; service and product innovation; and the ambition to not only be the biggest but also to be the most outstanding company.Parts & Purchase manager is a challenging position on strategic/tactical level. A high level of independence and pro-active performance is expected from the Parts & Purchase manager.As Purchasing Manager, Earl Amsdorf actively steers towards the purchasing activities. He formulates the capacity planning and gives hands-on advice regarding the developments in the field and the link to the various departments. He is also Rudisa’s Commodity Buyer which is an important role in exploring international supplier markets, the annual negotiations with group suppliers and suggesting and actualizing strategic savings on purchases.
It is a challenge to get maximum benefit out of the purchase of equipments,
base materials and services in the area of price, supplier dependability and in particular quality.
We strife towards getting the supplier involved in our developmental processes as early as possible to achieve the best solution. In my line of work I want to make myself superfluous so to speak. Everything must be taken care of so that things can run smoothly.”

Suriname, met een groeiende economie, is nog onvoldoende toegespitst op nieuw leiderschap. Men heeft nog steeds behoefte aan een mannelijke leider, aan een dominant ‘alfamannetje’. Dat verlangen zit zo diep dat jij je er nauwelijks tegen kunt verzetten.Gezien de dimensie waarbinnen Rudisa als corporate multinational opereert, is mevrouw Torilal een uitstekende leider. Een nieuwe soort leider die opereert met de termen “daadkracht”, “visie”, “resultaat” en “trots”. Binnen Rudisa is zij de ‘crisisleider’. Haar magie is de manier waarop ze zich weet te onderscheiden doordat zij veel nieuwsgieriger, transparanter en flexibeler is, een goed ontwikkeld plichtsbesef heeft en resultaatgericht is.
Ik streef naar ‘organizational citizenship’. het gedrag van medewerkers, dat goed is voor de organisatie. Dat iedereen loyaal is aan Rudisa omdat zij zichtzelf herkennen in de organisatie.
Diversiteit en multifunctionele inzetbaarheid van mijn managers heeft nu voortdurend mijn aandacht en die aanpak begint te werken. Motivatie is iets magisch. Al eeuwen zoeken we naar manieren om onszelf en anderen in beweging te krijgen. De managers moeten cross functioneel zijn, het is niets anders dan onderlinge hulp. Elkaar kunnen vervangen, ondanks dat ze specialist zijn in hun eigen functie.
Werknemers moet je belonen door ervoor te zorgen dat de werknemer iets doet omdat hij dat zelf wilt. Het gaat om werk dat jou, vanuit zichzelf, een gevoel geeft van competentie, autonomie of betrokkenheid.
Als de visie helder is en breed wordt gedragen, werkt iedereen aan hetzelfde collectieve doel, ook voor de leider, waardoor een gevoel van teamspirit en loyaliteit ontstaat. Er is niets mooiers dan trots in eigen prestaties.”
Bedrijf: Rudisa Holdingmaatschappij N.V.